p. 209




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stayed at Bailey's all day
went up in their Gharrie to
the train. 4 as. & came down
to Calcutta between 5 & 6.
Steamer at Howrow smashing
the Davy's's [?] &ce.
[written between lines: Smith came down
to Calcutta secure

Tuesday March 8 [overwritten:7] 1859

Arranged all my clothes
this mg. ship to go next
Tuesday 15th. Went out with
young Philip to Larry's
posted a letter to
Mr. Young. Called on Capt Eals
& [struck through: went] Mrs. Eales had got
some Chicken work. 3 Collars
& Sleeves 15/. Went to China
Bazaar bear up 3 shops
for things to take home
told them to send for a
look tomorrow mg. playe[d]
whist all evg. with Mrs. Philips & the Misses Ogilvie

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