p. 201
to Scott Thomsons. got 4 letters Marys
conts. the death of My dear dear
Mother. retd. on bd. this day can never be
effaced from memory.
Monday Feby. 14th. 1859
Went up to Scott Thomson's with the
Gunner wrote a letter home & went to
the N.W.Bank got a bill for £20. 10.
Sent in letter to father retd. on bd. went
on bd. the Tubal Cain saw the Madras
Fusiliers embark for Madras went on
bd. the Sydney. Saw Mr. Meloi Cf Officer.
Tuesday Feby. 15th. 1859.
Tubal Cain cleared out this mg.
Cassiagni & Law left in her.
Wednesday Feby. 16th. 1859
Went into mooring below the
crane. Beckett on bd. Called
at the Captains last evg. at
Mr. Corkes
17. '18. '19. Have remained on
bd. nearly every day went on
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