p. 183
are also in great abundance they
paddle about the river in small
canoes the women having also a
fair share in the paddling
Saturday Jany. 15th. 1859.
got up at 1/2 past 6 this mg.
took a ride out. returned on bd.
dressed between 8 & 9. The Capt.
Major Verner & Beddy came on bd. Beddy
asked us to a picnic which they had
come down to keep the tent was pitched
about 2 miles from the ship by the
side of the Creek with the broken bridge
The Comr. & I went in the jolly boat
the Capt. Beddy & Dibbs in a canoe
Capt. & Beddy bathed in the Creek when
we arrived had breakfast between
11 & 12. smoked a cheroot & read an article
in Chambers journal played a
hand at Whist Comr. for a partner
against the Capt. & Dibbs had
tiffin about 4 came outside the
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