p. 161
Monday Decr. 20th. 1858
Up at 1/2 past 5. Cassiagni & Dibbs on
deck (coaling) breakfast at 10 read
Watsons pathological lectures Hsoy. [Histology?]
Atrophy & Stiffening before breakfast.
did not go ashore in the evening
tried heaving the lead with Cassiagni
Tuesday Decr. 21st. 1858
Up at six very cold morning Capt.
came on bd. at 8 ocl read Watsons
(Lecture on the Path Sudden death)
before breakfast. After received viisit
to Capts. Dinner on Xmas eve. reddy
today (North & South) went on shore
with Dibbs in the evg, Called at
Johnsons stables Harper Morris left
Dibbs with toothache called at the
Capts. Capt. left to play billiards
sat chatting to Mrs. E till 8 ocl
Called at Johnsons had some
oysters & porter went on bd. at
10 with DIbbs.
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