p. 152




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island landed Capt. Faithful
& his baggage in the Cutter &
PB Boats.

Monday December 6th. 1858

Lay at anchor off St Martin's island
all day yesterday. boats returned about
11 ocl PM. Got under weigh at
daylight this morning to proceed to Akya
fine clear day had a pleasant trip
down & lunched in Akyab Harbour
at 4 oclock went ashore & called
at the Captns. in the evening Child
much better. Anchored a long way off
shore. Came on board at 9 oclock.
Steamer Baltic arrived from Calcutta
at 10 oclock PM. Slept in Cabin

Tuesday Decr. 7th. 1858

Up at 5.30. had a bath Capt.
came off with Durham of the
"Baltic" Breakfast at 10.30
After Lf Officer Baltic came on bd.
Dibbs went on bd. the Baltic with

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