p. 149
not return. Mr. Cassiagni went in
the Cutter to see what detained it
at 8 oclock returned reporting that
a landing could not be made
through the surf a heavy swell
had now set in. there evidently
being a heavy gale in some part
of the the Bay. No change [chance] of getting
of[f] the jolly tonight so Mr. L
must remain on shore all night.
Saturday December 4th. 1858
Capt. & Capt. Faithful went in the
Cutter this morning to examine the
coast. found a heavy Surf beating
all along the coast. Could not
land. Cassiagni went in the
P B Boat to anchore outside the
surf & pass a Bouy line through
the surf to bring of[f] the jolly did
not come off again & we could
see from the ship that the
boat has got swamped & Cassiagni
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