p. 127



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the Gun room when a note came
from Capt. Eales requesting me to
come & live with him on shore
which offer I at once accepted.

Augt. 23rd. 1858

This evening went again on board
after some very pleasant days residence
[Master struck through] on shore. Mr. Geo. Law having share
my room. I visited the ship morning
& evening. Mr. Dibbs & some men of the
naval brigade being on the sick list
part of the time in the evening
the Capt. Mrs. Eales the Mid. & I
went for a walk weather
permitting some days it rained
incessantly. Capt. & Mrs. Eales
were very kind indeed during
my residence on shore with them

Augt. 24th 1858.

Mid Morning weighed & proceeded
on our way to Akyab. The weather
however very squally & misty

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