p. 115




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and the idea of making him Field Marshal
the pay being £30,000 on the Indian

Wednesday June 23rd 1858

Up at ½ past 6 this morning fine
cool breeze & pleasant on deck. hot 10 o'clock
took nails off lascars toe & touched with
caustic. Capt asked me to look at a horse
below. Went down found him with laboured breathing
hard full quick & bounding
pulses. 76 a minute. the air was hot close
& ammoniacal & recommended his being
taken on deck as quickly as possible
on examining after he was taken on deck
state was the following hot ears & mouth, the
latter much so. Conjunctiva infected pulses
full bounding & 76, breathing laboured.
I mentioned to the Capt. the probability
of his requiring to be bled but since
bringing him on deck observed the
pulse diminish slightly in force
and judging that the symptoms under

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