p. 113
light wind. At present have the
idea that if spared I shall at
the end of next cold season
try to get charge of troops home.
Sunday June 20th 1858.
very light airs & hot weather,
nearing the line
Monday June 21st 1858.
Early this morning sighted a ship
on the horizon on the Starbd [Starboard] bow at
4 o'clock. the Capt. & I went on
board after having by signals made
her out to be the "Sillery" a L'pool
ship. After we got into the boat the
ship was hove to. We boarded him
& found the Capt. an irishman. he had
been 14 days bound from Bombay to
L'pool. We were now a few miles south
of the line, he had lost his wife
in Bombay & reported that dysentry
was raging there. the Yankee Capt.
Dr. Harris having died there. We stayed
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