p. 97
On the 3rd. of April, the second
day of our arrival, met Dr. Shillette
at Mrs. Parkes one of the Candian pas-
sengers. he is a Surgeon in the HEICS [Honourable East India Company Service]
& got down here on Sick leave. he
came in the "Octavia" the same
ship that Dr.Taylor my old fellow
student is surgeon for. I have been
living on board during this time
& only going on shore when the
Capt. goes.
April 13th. 1858. Tuesday
My 24th. birthday. time takes me
by surprise now I can scarcely fancy
it possible here I am then on my
24th. birthday on board the "Belgravia"
lying quietly at Anchor in Table
Bay. the morning is clear beautiful
& warm. the sun shining brightly
through my Cabin Window & every
thing around quiet. I get up to go on
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