p. 93




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Kedgeree. After resting a short time
Mr. Cloete Senr. & Junr. the Genl. Cafer
Dadson & I went out to see the
vineyards. the season of the grapes
was nearly passed & they had been
nearly all gathered. A very large tract
of ground was under Culturation extend-
ing a good long way up the side of the
Hill. Constantia is the place famous
for its manufacture of wines. A great
many spurious imatations are sold
[the only meth scored through] & have consequently
given the Cape a bad name for wine
but the genuine Constantia which
is only to be got bygoing to the
vineyards is in reality one of [written above] the finest
wines possible to procure. We went
to the Vintry & saw the processes
by which the grape is fermented
the pressing of the grape, [illegible] & exposure
& fermentation &ec. & then we had

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