p. 89




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April 6th. 1858
Capt came on shore this morning
South Easter blown off went on board
with him. Stayed on board all day

April 7th. 1858
Visited several parts of Cape Town with
the Capt. the Governors House. Artillery
& Cape rifle Barracks. Shops & houses quite
English looking, to visit Constantia tomorrow.

April 8th. 1858.
After breakfast this morning the Capt &
I went on shore. Called on Genl. Salter
& Lt. Dadson to go on our excursion to
Constantia given by the Genl. a carriage
& four was in waiting & off we rattled through the
dusty streets of Cape Town handsomly
dressed shop windows passed. We came
upon houses in the suburbs such
as we see in our own villages at home
each little village here too I see has
its lawn its group of squalling children
its work shops, farriers etc. Now we

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