last 2 or 3 weeks has been pleasant.
occasional squalls & one night it blew
pretty hard & there was a heavy cross
sea which kept us rolling & [above four lines scored through 3 times]
tumbling about all the night it is
now cool & pleasant, quite like
English weather again it is a great
change from the heat of India & the
Saturday March 27th. 1857
This morning sighted land a long
way off 80 miles supposed to be some
of the high land at Cape Agullas
there were 6 or 7 peaks of hill quite
distinct above the horizon. To an
inexperienced eye they would pass
for clouds. the wind died off this
morning but the falling of the
barometer led us to expect that
we would very soon have it blowing
stiffly. once in the afternoon the
wind increased to a stiff breeze
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