I may spend abroad if spared.
I have reason to be thankful that
as yet my news from home has been of
so cheering a kind. I had a search
through my letters this morning as I
thought I had lost Mary's + Willies last.
I was as happy when I found it as if I
had met an old friend. In fact I look
upon letters as my only friends here
I must begin & make a note or two
about the manners & customs of the
"Belgravia". it is a dry old stick of a
ship but still it suits me very nicely.
Here is the old Major Genl who has
been in India 50 years & only once home
during that period he is a good natured
old man although he got rather crusty
the other day when I kept drumming
away upon the stewards concertina
(playing from the music as of old).
he has been dyspeptic the last day
or two [but scored through] & looks rather glum
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