Capt'ns voice invariably first heard
well 'General' what are you
going to have. At six we have
tea or coffee & 8 Grog if you wish
it. On Sunday the troops are mustered
at 1/2 past 10 & one of the officers
reads the Church of England service.
I turn into bed at 9 oclock
generaly & sleep sound till 6
next morning. the weather has been
beautiful since we left. on two
nights only had we some squalls.
We are now 2 or 3 degrees south
of the line (During my cabin time I read
the Wandering Jew.)
Thursday March 4 1858.
Fine strong breeze today making us
spank along in good style + keeps
us very cool. A ship in sight at
12 o clock today. by the time I had
my visit over below she was just
visible on the horizon astern.
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