p. 56




Status: Indexed

poop awnings have been taken down
& during the middle of the day we
cannot get on deck as the sun
being vertical then we get no shade
from the spanker which is now set.
We have gone upwards of a hundred
miles since yesterday. the ship is
being painted white all over the
inside of the Bulwarks & [quarter scored through] & poop
can scarcely move out without getting
smeared over. wearing my tweed suit
even in this hot weather. Yesterday
Lt Dadson Capt & I had an inspection
of flour for troops pronounced one &
3/4 Casks bad & drew up a
report to that affect signed by
3 of us Lt Robinson R.A. being confined
to bed did not become a number.
there is little change of scene
every day. Here is my Cabin
nearly as large as I had in the
"Candia" but occupied by myself

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