p. 40




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[different - scored through] numbers 1,2,3 &ec they hoisted four
of these pendants & by dint of perserverance &
a good glass we made out her number & on turning
up the book we found her ot be the "General Castell.
We returned our number we then signalled
where bound [underscored] they answered Maurituis [underscored] & asked
where we were bound. We answered Calcutta
We had by this time get far ahead & could
not signal anymore We each however put
up a pendant to show that we understood
each other. I watched the Maneuvering
with great interest & having a good glass
I could make out the signals very well
Lat 17.7 Long 26.23 218 miles

Friday Augt 28th 1857

The weather is now very warm especially this m'g
the air is oppressive it makes me sweat like a
Yank we sleep outisde the bedclothes at night
now with our white ducks on & manage to sleep
very cooly. We also keep our cabin door open
& there is an open hatchway close beside we
have put off steam today & are trusting to sail

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