p. 31
with Gibraltar this afternoon but of course
were so far out to sea to see it. Today we
are in Latitude 39.33 N. Long 12.21 W. We have
run 235 miles since yesterday at 12 oclock there
being 60 miles in a degree sailing at this rate we
should reach Calcutta in 45 days but we cannot
get on so favourably generally. The breeze was
strong last night & in our favour we are now 460
miles distant from Madeira which we will
likely pass in 2 days.
Thursday Augt. 29th 1857
Last night met the Cheif Engineer of the
ship who is a Scotsman from Queensferry (we
have not many Scotsmen on board.) he occupies
a station in the ship equal to the Cheif Officer
he has a very nice Cabin very well fitted
up. we sat chatting till pretty late it is
strange how some Scotsmen get friends here
To night it is stormy the clouds are gathering
the wind high & the sea also running high
so we may look out for a stiff night of it
Lat. 36 37 North Long: 13.44
230 miles
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