p. 29




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pass them the sailors were immediately up on
each side & pinned him fast to the crosstrees the
rest were gathered on deck laughing at him
asking how he felt? Was he proud of his victory? how
amiable he looks? & such like remarks. On paying
his 10/- he was loosened & came down rather
crestfallen. There is no end of good living here
we have breakfast lunch dinner tea supper
& all of them in the very best style. We have Claret
to breakfast & we go by the Indian custom so far as
to have rice & curry at every dish there being a
good many old Indians on board like it very nice
but those who have been in India say that it is
nothing compared with the curry we will get in
Calcutta. In the evening between 8 & 9 oclock
all kinds of fruit are placed on the table
With wines of every kind which every one may
take as much of as he pleases Which I think
is a great pity as several rather noisy
Scenes take place afterwards I have made
a point of not going into the Saloon at all
as yet at night I generally remain on

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