p. 22




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of the ocean. I have gone down below once more
& got my large trunk into my Cabin. I have
now got both my trunks in beside me. Capt
has found his luggage & seems in a
better humour now, I got down to dinner at
4 oclock but made a sorry job of it. if I could
only get some of the good plain food I used
to get at home I could eat well enough but
everything is so richly seasoned that the smell
is quite enough for me. We have two breakfasts
every day & 2 dinners as the Saloon is not large
enough to contain all the passengers at once.
At breakfast we have cold meats of all kinds
Curry & Rice, preserves, Claret, rolls tea coffee &c
everything in the eating way we could wish for.
I expect before the end of the voyage to be
able to set up for a Baillie. we have dismissed
our first Servant, Fiash & got another called
Carpenter. who is a very active fellow &
very obliging We have about 160 first
Class passengers on board. All officers
with the exception of 2 or 3 on their

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