p. 13




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on bd. S.S. "Candia"

I wonder that Fred did not write me either he who
has been the best kindred & truest friend ever I had
next to my own family How anxiously did I look
over the letters to see if there was one for me but
I was doomed to be disappointed. I daresay you would
not think I would sail so soon & then you had
had no letter from me. 2 or 3 long months will
pass away or it may be longer before I can
expect to hear a word from home the thought of
that makes me most miserable & sad. How often
do I ask myself the question How are all at home
has my mother become at all reconciled to my
absence. Oh how often I now tax myself with
neglect to my mother. how often have I greived &
vexed her who has always been so kind to me
what self denial & patient endurance has she
undergone for our sakes & in what a Sorry way
I have repaid them. Sometimes when I think
I shall never see that face again which I
have loved so well I am almost mad
with the thought. But I will put my
hurt in one all seeing providence who

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