p. 12
on bd. S.S. "Candia" off Southampton
brought us on board left giving us three
cheers & waving of hats & hankerchiefs. Another
steamer came out filled with passengers
to have a look at us before sailing there were
a great many ladies on board it. Some of
then doubtless had friends on board as I saw
more than one eye wet with tears. After
this steamer left we got up steam & off
we went gallantly down the river.
The water was very smooth & we had a fine view
of the country on each side going- How well
I could have enjoyed that scene had you all
been in the ship beside me but the idea
that I was leaving the shores of Great Britain
& with them all that was nearest & dearest
to me on earth had nearly overcome me
there was such a dull heavy weight at my
heart that I could not take delight or interest
in anything If before leaving a had had
a word from home to tell me you were all
well & happy with what a lightened heart
I could have proceeded on the voyage
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