p. 9




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As I had nothing particular to keep me in London
I told him I was quite ready to go down to Southampton
on the Friday night- we went through Guy's
& St Thomas' An operation was going
on at Guy's at which I think they would have
been nothing the worse of the assistance of some
of our Edinr. Surgeons. With proper teachers the
students in Guy's ought to make good practitioners
as they see an immense deal of practice both
dispensary & Hospital. I was astonished to see
the number of patients waiting I never saw
anything like it in our Infirmary. I went
through some of the principal thouroughfares
in London & then returned to the waverly
to dinner What a continual bustle & stir
is going on in London every part you can
turn your eyes to presents the same scene
was very anxious to call at Morrison's
warehouse but I was told by so many
different people differrent directions to
Fore Street that I was obliged to give up
the search in case I should run short

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