p. 7




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York to Lincoln

beautiful edifice one of the handsomest
I ever saw. It was getting light when we
left York so I sat up & had a look at
the country round about. I slept a little
probably 2 or 3 hours but it is very un-
comfortable sleeping in a railway carriage
Mr Inglis (of Gall & Inglis late in the Northbridge)
was in the same carriage. I would have spoken
to him & asked him to call on you but as I thought
I would have time to write soon & it was such a
short time from leaving home that I thought it of
little use. The great difference between the
appearance of Scotland & England is the
general level appearance of the latter there
is scarcely a hill visible throughout the
whole extent, especially in the Southern part.
Their fields I think are more nicely laid out than
in Scotland instead of being separated by
stone walls, they had hedges running between
which adds greatly to the general beauty of
the country. From York southwards there
seems to have been a general flooding of

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