two subteranean [subterranean] temples one below the other, the lowest of all
had been heathen & today water stood in it + dripped from the walls.
The under church is [was] plainly arched double aisles, frescoes
quaint & curious, quite fresh, illuminated by candles which
droped [dropped] grease on the floors - walls +c nicely whitened.
Many persons there, a curious sight. Above, the church was
hung in red and gold and had many worshippers. Stopped in
the Coliseum [ Colosseum ] - they are excavating wonderfully, have
gone down 25 or 30 ft. & some pavement of red and light
brick. This will change all our long cherished memories
of the Arena indeed I do not see when there is to be
any arena left. Called on Mrs. Beck in the Corso.
Nov. 24 Tuesday. A cloudy day - started at 10 a.m. to go
to the Meet not very far from tomb of Cecilia Metella. Only
a few carriages. About 25 persons mounted to chase the poor
fox - some wore scarlet coats, one was a lady. Of hounds there
might have been 30 to fifty. They went off so quietly we hardly
knew when they started, they were soon far away over
the undulating ground + we could just see them with a glass.
We left before they returned. Stopped at the Coliseum [ Colosseum ] +
went to the very topmost platform of this tremendous ruin
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