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wonders of Greek art, also at some of the stones from Assyria +
Egypt. Looked for some of the couriers.

Sept. 17 Thursday. Went out late + shopped - more books for
Egypt. Magnesium [?] + colored spectacles also for Egypt bought
of a jew - Solomon 22 Red Lion Sqr. He manufactures the
lamps for burning the magnesium wire. We were sent here by
Johnston + Matheys? 78 Hatton Garden who [?] to be
lay manufactures of the magnesium wire, ribbon, powder +c
+ called them selves assayers - a busy place - the ribbon about
to in. wide was 12/ an ounce + made a coil about 3 1/2 in. diameter.
All the lamps except the smallest size burn five ribbons at once
+ all have clock work for [?] it out, + vary in price from
30/ to [6] ₤6.10. Red Lion Sq. is cheapest + best place, [Pillriugt?] +
Baccarat are both in Hatton Garden.

Sept. 18 - Friday - Did not go out until nearly two.
Bought still another Guide Book. Went into the rooms
of the Arundel Society 24 Old Bond St. framed on the walls
were many of their beautiful chromos from the works of
Rafaelle [Raphael], Fra Bartholomeo [Fra Bartolomeo], Ghirlandajo [Ghirlandaio] +c. Saw photo
graphs from the original fresco or oil paintings of the
old masters as the case might. Their work is truly artistic.

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