at the National Gallery - fine old pictures + wonderful [?].
One by [blank] is so much retouched that they talk of
having it cleaned to come down to the originalty. He brought
us a guide book to London a hundred years ago to look at.
Among the coins he brought was one of silver of Queen Elizabeth
made so old + ugly that she ordered them all destroyed, about
a third of her has been cut off, but the head is left entire. This
is the only one know to exist. The British Museum offered
him ₤60 for it which he declined but has left it to the museum
in his will. After he left us I bought this book +c [&c, etc.]. Miss Cary
made us a very agreeable visit in the evening. She told
us that it has been quite the fashion this summer to make
excursions in the [environs?] in certain six horse coaches, which
are often driven by the owners gentlemen, sometimes [peers?]
of the [?]. They start from the White Horse cellar, close by.
Sept. 10 - Thursday. To Northumberland House,
Trafalgar Square which is entirely dismantled, every thing
moveable gone even to the mantels + the timbers, stone, [?]
windows stair cases +c [&c, etc.] are being sold at Auction. The
Ballroom, + Pompeian room must have been superb.
The kitchen, offices, pantries, + the arrangements for
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