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refined + cultivated young gentleman. He was baptized by Pope
Gregory 16
, has an uncle a cardinal, + a great grand father's head
was hung under London Bridge for being a Jacobite. There
was also a Mr. + Mrs. Macklin, a most devoted couple who had a
room opposite ours. After dinner walked to Brown's Library,
but had not long to remain, the Egyptian collection looked
interesting. Stepped into the Great Western Hotel - bought the
[inevitable?] piece of camphor. I did not have any letters to
write as I had written to all the family from Queenstown.

Sept. 3 Thursday. Had been most comfortable at the Adelphi.
Left soon after 9 a.m. in the London + North [Western?]. The country
At E. Sq. Station saw six [convicts?] chained together
looked brown + autumnal. Reached Euston Sq. Station 2:30 p.m.
Are at Brown's Hotel, 21 Dover St. Piccadilly. A rainy afternoon
very tired, did not go out.

Sept. 4 Friday. A rainy day went about noon to the
Kensington Museum. Met directly Miss Carter of Iceland
one of our fellow passengers who showed us the drawings of
the students, one of her own among them very prettily
colored, a fruit piece. A course of fruit is gone through before
they are allowed to go to the human figure. Took our

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