room sufficiently for C. to change her dress + for us to
look into my trunk. Everything below the bags had to be
wrung out + hung up! On Sunday night a woman in the
steerage died of heart disease. The wave was not the cause
they were not at all wet there. The following night she was
buried at sea, the Capt. [captain] + Dr. being present. Tuesday at
2 p.m. landed passengers at Queenstown, having gone
up into the harbor farther than I had ever been before.
Sept. 2 Wednesday at 8 a.m. stopped at the bar of the [?]
for four hours for the tide. Finally stopped about 2 p.m.
custom house officers + Mr. Sherlock came on board.
We were at the Adelphi where Mr. Sherlock had engaged
rooms for us at 3 1/2 p.m. Among our passengers we had
become more particularly acquainted with those with us at
the Captain's table. Mrs. [Lavisson?] a daughter of Baltimore
+ her niece Miss Patterson, (great niece of Mme Bonapart)
Mr. Yarnall of Philadelphia, going out to meet his wife
+ children in England - Mr. Jacquemod a silk merchant
25 years old, native of Geneva, but being 6 years or more
in Japan full of life + hope - a Scotch lawyer opposite
Mr. Middleton, half Italian, half English, a most
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