p. 148
at Mud Point the house was found standing,
all the bunds being washed away & traces of the
fury of the storm everywhere visible.
At Diamond Harbour the "Bentick" Sanatarium
had drifted anchor & all over the land;
an Arab ship was sunk in Rangafulla
Channel (island) another at Hospital
Point; trees blown down everywhere &
some torn up by the roots. The banks of the
river as well as the river itself, were dotted with
the bodies of cattle & human beings, further
up the effects of the storm appears thicker
& more disastrous from the more populous
nature of the districts, all the villages on
the banks of the river being razed to the ground.
The following letter from Midnapore gives a graphic
description of the storm by one who was travelling
from Ooloobariah & was caught in the midst of it.
I left Calcutta (Garden Reach) at 5 PM on Tues-
day Octr [October] 4th & reached Ooloobariah at about 7.30 PM
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