p. 146




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make it difficult to steer through them, sighted
another wreck off Hospital Point all hands ashore
(the "Baron Renfew") 3.45 PM Eastern gut tide gauge
blown down [opiles?] washed away carried no ground.
Sunset anchored at Fishermans Point, casting off
ship gave 35 fms [fathoms] chain. About 9.30 PM a sunken
ship drifted up to the Starbd [Starboard] bow causing the steam-
er to lay over with a shear. It drifted clear after
fouling the paddles, & went astern, ordered steam for
the night. In closing this portion of the journal
which has unavoidably become narrative I
humbly thank the Divine Providence that has
preserved all our lives through these disasters
My only hope being that the loss of the vessel if
it was so willed to be, might not occur through
error of judgement on my part or want of
support on the part of my officers, to whom I am
sincerely thankful.
Contrary to all laws of drift the "Alexandra"
having her head to N & Ed [Eastward] with the wind at its
greatest force at NW was carried by the intense
force & height of he storm wave across into

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