p. 144
8 am Pilot came on board & advised proceeding up by
inshore channel to Hidgelee, saying that by starting
at half flood we should carry nothing under 3 fms [fathoms]
9 am carted flood, hove short 11 AM weighed & procee-
ded up easy 0.45 PM crossed ashore in 2 fms [fathoms] off the
mouth of the Hidgelee river. 1 PM got good water gave
full power into Cowcolly Roads 1.30 PM observed
a wreck passing close by, found it to be the spars of
the "Dwarkanath" (tug steamer) the hull being under
water S by E off Cowcolly light in 5 1/2 fms [fathoms] water on the edge
of the fishermans flat. 2.45 off Redgeree, the ship
"Martaban" totally dismasted, signalled to be
taken in tow. The pilot & Captain came on board &
requested us to remain by him stow him up.
All our provision being destroyed he offered to
supply them to prevent our leaving him. Anchored
alongside in 6 fms [fathoms] sent the boat ashore & brought
off 11 hands of the "Devarkanath" the whole country
being inundated & in ruins, the land & water
strewed with dead bodies of men & cattle. Telegraphic
communidcation with town being destroyed could not
communicate with Calcutta. The brig "Salween" having
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