p. 143
with fear, as well as perfectly stupid & useless.
Some with the recklessness of despair, had stripped,
& would have launched the only bout off the
skylight, & made away with it if permitted.
As the Bar [barometer] had broken itself somehow with
the violent motion of the ship, the mercury having
disappeared altogether, no notice can be taken
of its rise. Midnight calm & stralight.
October 6th at anchor off Pipley Sands.
Balasore Roads sent boat ashore to get infor-
mation as to the nearest telegraph, & small rice
& salt for the men, all the provision in the ship
being destroyed; boat returned unable to land
for surf. At noon Obsd [observed] of merd altd [?] gave latde [latitude]
21.35 N making the steamer in the position above
named as she was in the inshore channel only used
by small vessels, thought it advisalbe not to proceed
without a pilot, the boat was sent this evening
& a salt sloop pilot engaged to come the followg [following]
day pumping & otherwise putting the ship in order.
7th October Daylight sent boat ashore for pilot.
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