p. 135
blown away. St. James' Theatre was unroofed & nearly
destroyed; the roof of the cathedral is much damaged;
the sheds of the East Indian Railway Company are un-
roofed & Messrs Thacker & Spink's premises seriously da-
maged. Our won troubles wer describe yesterday. In fact
scarcely a pucka house in Calcutta has escaped without
injury, while the native huts especially in the suburbs
were almost all blown down. The telegraph lines are
interrupted in all directions. All these losses are suffi-
ciently annoying & lamentable; but it is on the river
that the storm has been attended by the most disastrous
consequences. To have an accurate or connected account
of the loss among the is as yet impossible; all is confu-
sion, & it is scarcely known what ships have been entirely
lost. What are [irre?ediably] damaged, & what are safe.
The last are few indeed, perhaps not more than half
a dozen are in a state to go to sea without extensive
repairs with few exceptions. The shipping were driven
from their moorings & cast ashore or jammed to-
gether on the opposite side of the river. While several
were sunk in midchannel, & others stranded by the storm
wave high up on the Calcutta shore. Several ships
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