p. 104




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March 4th

am Moderate trade at NNE & fine 2 sounded in 19 fms [fathoms]
at 4 19 fms [fathoms] at 8 18 fms [fathoms] 10 16 fms [fathoms] Noon 13 fms [fathoms]
Moderate wind at NNE & fine saw the land
about Berbice
Latde [Latitude] obsd [observed] 6.34 No Londe [Longitude] Chr [Chronometer] 57.17 W
Course N 88 W 199 miles
Berbice Lt [Light] vessel S 17 W 16 miles Demerara N 75 W 56 1/2 miles
Bar [Barometer] 29.97 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 29.72 Ther [Thermometer] 81
PM sailing along the land in 5 fms [fathoms] with a
moderate NNE & NE wind at 8 saw the Deme-
rara Light Bearing West at 9.30 saw the
floating light Bg [Bearing] W by N 1/2 N at 11 shortened sail
& anchored abreasst the light ship in 5 fms [fathoms]
& veered to 30 fms [fathoms] in the hawse
73 days from the sand heads.

deaths among the coolies on the passage
Died to the Lon. de of the Cape 18
[ditto] to St. Helena 46
[ditto] to arrival at Demerara total 124

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