p. 68
October 11th
PM Light NWly [NWesterly] airs and fine a strong set to
the Sd [Southward] at 2 Received on board Mr. Lindquist
pilot from the "Bull Dog" steam trip. sent out
by govt [government] the Pilot Brigs & vessels having all
been blown away by the late "Cyclone" & received
information of the dreadful disasters caused
in Calcutta by the storm. at 2 fell calm
at 10 Light air at WSW heads Northd [Northward]
October 12th
am Light West & NWest winds 4 sounded
in 25 fms [fathoms] at 9.30 shortened sail & anchored
in 11 fms [fathoms] the outer floating light vessel Bearg [Bearing]
E by N 11 miles
PM at 2 weighed & stood to the Eastd [Eastward] with a light
North wind Midt [Midnight] light South wind & fine
October 13th
am Light SW & West winds at 2 anchored
in 5 fms [fathoms] The [Gaspar?] Light Bg [Bearing] N 1/2 W 2 miles
at daylight weighed & commenced working
up the [Gaspar?] channel at 8 the ebb tide
making down anchored in 7 fms [fathoms] along
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