p. 66




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October 9th

am Light breeze at ENE heading SE 1/2 S sounded
in 23 fms [fathoms] 0.30 Saw False Point Light from
Crossjack yard Bearing West. at 2.30 Passed
a ship the "Nile" standg [standing] to the Nd [Northward] -- at 4 sounded
in 30 fms [fathoms] 5.30 sounded in 37 fms [fathoms] nearly calm
3 ships in company. a steamer the "Orissa"
passed down the coast at 6 Breeze made
at No in a squall trimmed on the Port Tack Lewds [Leewards]
E by N squally with rain Noon Moderate at NNE
& squally + [cross with four dots]
Latde [Latitude] obsd [observed] 20.8 No Londe [Longitude] Chr [Chronometer] 87.34 E
Course S 20 W 16 miles
Bar [Barometer] 29.90 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 29.72 Ther [Thermometer] 82
PM Moderate NNE wind & squally Signal-
led the English ship "Hengist" from Liverpool
to Calcutta at 5 squally at Northd [Northward] with
heavy rain a waterspout to leeward at 7 The
wind veered NWd [NWestward] & fell calm Midnight calm
+ [cross with four dots] Observed a dismasted large vessel in tow of a
ship under all sail. Found afterwards, it was the
"City Poonah" in tow of the ship "Iron Crown"

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