p. 13




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Passengers by the Clarence to Madras & Calcutta

Cole Rich and Knox Commnd [Commander] the 18th Regt [Regiment] Hussars

Miss M. Knox

Captain Tisdall 18th Hussars

[ditto] Stewart [ditto]

Lieut Murray [ditto]

Lieut Hughes [ditto]

Lieut Yeldham [ditto]

Mrs Yeldman & two children & nurse

Cornet Watkins [ditto]

[ditto] Poynter [ditto]

[ditto] Chapman [ditto]
Adjutant Baynes [ditto]

Quarter Master Pickles [ditto]

Asst Surgeon Griffin, unattached in charge (medl) [(medical)]

Captain Bryant H. M. 18th Royal Irish Regt [Regiment]

Ensign Downie [ditto]

Major Rammell Madras Army

Mrs. Rammell

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