p. 37




Status: Complete


[Chapter Ninety-Ninth.

Welch's Amphitheatre and Circus, Chesnut and
Ninth streets - Season of 1848-'9 - The dramatic
and equestrian company - Neafie, Lee, the strong
man, Brunton, Mary Duff, Miss Waters, Jos.
Foster - Brilliant show pieces - Close of the sea-
son-The Sable Harmonists - Long & Dinmore -
Compnay in the summer of 1848 - Opening of the
winter and spring season of 1848-'9 - Herr
Cline - Bedouin arabs - Wonderful feats of
strength and skill - Show pieces - Joseph Jeffer-
son - The Chippewa Indians - H. Runnells -
Dunbar - Close of the season - A sub-season for
stage performances under Joseph Foster.

Welch & Co.'s Circus and Amphitheatre at
Chesnut and Ninth streets, was probably one of
the most magnificent establishments for eques-
trian and stage performances that had ever been
in existence in t [the?] ntry [country?]. Nor do we think
that the famed Astley's, at London, or Franco-
ni's, at Paris, in various and splendid arrange-
ments of scenery, costumes, and musical de-
partments, or in a clevermelo dramatic actors and
accomplished equestrian performers, equaled or
surpassed the admirable corps that Gen. Welch
and his associates yearly assembled at this truly]

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