p. 395




Status: Complete

Indians at Theatre 214

Italian Opera, 225, 278, 283 286
287. Frys Co 288, 289 293,

Janeron Geo 195, 236, 237, 253, 264

Jacques Rosa debut 301

Jefferson Jos the Younger 276 sk: 360
Mis the Elder 266
Cornelia 282 292

Jones Wm. with Blake 215 230
Mis 223
Wm G 234
JS 198

Johnson W. F. - 279
McK - 238

Joboster S. B 285 - 306

Jordan George 207
Mis 212
H.C 245 - 248
Mis 248

Kean Chas sketch 253. 256
257 270, 274
Miss 253, 256, 257 270 274

Kemble ( american actor 265

Kinloch Mis 208

Kirby Hudson 216
Miss - 236

Kilmiste Misses (infant sisters) 242

Knight Mis A 221
Mis E - 250

La Forrest chas - 200
Ms - 217

lardner Dr D Lecture 205

Laborde Mad 288. 293 1st app 298
Mons 288

Lewis Mis. H 1st app 262. 266
Henry sketch 222

Lecompte Mad - 210
Mons 210

Leman Walter M. sketch 223, 224

Lehmann family 286 - 292

Lee Lavater - 299

"Leonora" Feys Opera 1st perf 250

Lichtenstein Miss - - 278.

"Linden" 1st appearance 293

Liver Same 281

"Limbardi" 1st performance 293

Logan elize sketch 233, 255

"London assurance" at Chestnut. 199

Lynne 1st app 282 sketch 283.

Mcdonough J. E 287

Mc Clure Mis 240

Maywood Mary E manager at Chest
nut - 205

McKeon Chas 1st app 273

Marron Mrs - - 275

Martin Signora Fanny 276

Marsh - 277

Marini Sofia 278

Marzetta 286

Maretqek 288, 289

Marshall Wy Zenen 293

Martinetti family 299

Mann W. S. benefit 299

Martin Miss 249

Marble D 214 232

Matthews Helen 203

Marshall E. A manager Chestnut
245 opens Broadway NY 281

Marsden Mis - 197

Matthews Thos - 205

Madison Mrs - quarrel 217

Macready 224, 226 240, 293

Mann alva 228 with welch &
Tellevan 252, 263

mac Bride Miss - 249

Meader Ms J. G. 208

Mestayer Mis. C. 252
Anna Maria sketch 299

Miles Miss - 303

Menagerie and Row new 228

Mitchell Manager National 215

Monop Mis 197, 223, 226 266, 291

"Monk of Merk Hall" row
about 240

Monop 220

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