p. 3
Transcription Conventions
- Spelling: Use original spelling if possible.
- Capitalization: Retain original capitalization.
- Punctuation: Use original punctuation when possible.
- Line Breaks: Hit
once after each line ends. Two returns indicate a new paragraph, whether indicated by a blank line or by indentation in the original.
Additional information for Jacob Peirce diary
- Brief entries with the day of the month written in the left margin and the number of the month, according to Quaker usage, in the left margin with the day of the month before the first entry of the new month. Sundays have a dominical letter, as appeared in farmers' almanacs (1797 A, 1798 G, 1799 F, 1800 E), in the left margin with the day of the month. The year is written in the upper left corner of each page.
- Be aware of the use of the long letter "s" in the diary. The long "s" looks like the letter "f" except that the bottom line goes to the left and around, like a letter "g", not to the right and up, as in the letter "f". Some examples of the long "s" on page 1 of the Peirce diary: posts, dress, use, these, closish house.
- To add a caret ^ to indicate that text was added above the line, copy this example ^ and paste into the text.
- To indicate text that was struck through with a line, go to the following websiteto create strikethrough text that can be copied and pasted into the text before the replacement word or phrase.