794 [=155] (V.2)
and the rates at which the work
was executed were as follows
Masonry [? ink stain] 13..7..11 per 100 cubic feet
Plaster " 2..3..7 per 100 [?]
This [work, struck through] escape was begun by Lieutt [Lieutenant?]
Fraser of the Engineers, and com-
-pleted by Mr. Read, under
whom the adjustment of the
machinery has been managed
Its total cost was, including regu-
-lating apparatus, Cos Rs 11778..2.9
No. 2 Mahomed Aboo's Escape [underscored]
The building at the head
with the exception of the covered
in accommodation for the ma-
-chinery, and the superstructure
appended thereunto, is the same
as at Khutowli; the bays, how-
-ever are 13 feet in height from
the flooring to the soffit of the
arch. The sluice gates which are
of the same description as those
at Khutowli are worked by
windlasses resting in the plain
[bilt? built? bitt?] heads common to the canal
works in these provinces. They
are protected by a 2nd class choki
which is in close proximity to the work.
The site of Mahomed Aboo's
Escape is on the right bank of
the canal between the 69th and
70th mile of its course from the
Myapoor Regulator. It is the
most awkwardly situated of
the whole of the canal works,
being separated by a considera-
-ble distance from bridges of
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