620 [=645] (V.1)




Status: Complete


=wards, derive the full benefit
of the command which their ele=
=vated position enables them to

The Raj=
=buha Heads on the Caunpoor Terminal are situated at
every Bridge, or at a distance of
about 3 miles apart, their dimen=
=sions on the first thirty miles
of its course are similar to those
of the main line ; that is
to say, their width of Channel
is 10 feet, and the height of their
floorings above the Canal bed
is 24 Inches.
From the 30th to the 90th mile
the width of Channel is reduced
to 6 feet, and the sill or flooring
is 16 Inches above the Canal
From the 90th to the 150th mile the
width of Channel is 6 feet
and the sill is 8 inches above
the Canal bed
From the 150th to the 150th mile to the Termi=
=nus, the Channel is 6 feet
wide, and the sill and
Canal bed are on one level.
with the exception of the head of
the Pandoo and Ganges irrigation
to which I shall advert hereafter,
the above dimensions hold good
throughout the whole course of
the Terminal line.-

The slope of the country
from Nanoon to the immediate
neighborhood of Caunpoor
varies from 15 to 12 inches per
mile, the greater [?] being
on the minimum slope to gain
therefore the requisite advantages

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