618 [=643] (V.1)




Status: Complete


country lying parallel to the
Kuroon, and that agreeably to
the project the Theoretical area
to be irrigated by the mainline
is limited to a belt 5 miles in
width, the line BBB which is a
continuation of the main Rajbuha
west from Assoffnuggur after
crossing the Bolundshuhur braches
either by [?] under Tunnel, or by an aqueduct / which might be
built in connection with the
Ghounah Bridge, or with that
which is situated about three miles
from the head of the branch / would
proceed onwards keeping within
the legitimate five miles, and
in a direction parallel to the
main Canal. In the same way
that the Bolundshuhur Branch
was passed, that of koel would
be passed also, and this great
Western line of Rajbuha would
ultimately either cross the Etawah
Terminal line and maintain
its nolongation downwards as
shewn in the diagram at X
or it would fall into the lead=
=ing Rajbuha attached to the
Etawah Terminal line, with
which it would form a junction
as represented in the Diagram
at O. To this main line the
Rajbuhas at the different Bridges
would act as feeders, and the
whole of the irrigating lines
on this tract of the Canal would
be placed in one great connected
series through which the water
would flow, with an uninter=
=rupted circulation.

From both the main lines
which I have described, and

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