Art 26th When any additional Centries are ordered to be posted from any of the Guards in garrison, the Officer Commanding the Main Guard is to enter it at the bottom of his report, mentioning the Place where & by whose order, & the same if any are ordered to be taken off - - -
27th On all Guards when the [...] number will admit of it, the Centries from the Time of Guard mounting to six in the Evening to be taken from the Sepoys & from that Time in equal proportion of Duty from the European Soldiers - - -
28th All Officers are to take notice of the manner in which the Men do their Duty & if they see any entry negligent on his Post or without his arms are to reprimand him or report him to the Officer of the Guards he belongs to, altho' the man should not belong to their particular Battalion
Art Battalion, that he may be relieved & punished - - -
29th Should a man, that is confined for a particular & capital Crime, be taken ill, the Captain of the Main Guards is not to send him to the Hospital until he has previously acquainted the Town Mayor, who will take every precaution to prevent his making his escape while he is there - - -
30th When a Man of any of the Corps in Garrison, is confined to the main Guard, or sent from thence to the Hospital, the Captain of the main Guard will be pleased to order a report of it to be made to the Officer Commanding The Corps to which such man belongs or to the Adjutant. - - -
31st Sepoys who are guilty of any