


On the 95th birth-day of Sir Moses Montefiore.


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Last week our city journals teemed with the merited praise of a man born in the Christian faith. His very long career had illustrated ,throughout a precious truth, viz.,namely Nnatural instincts, when combined with a liberal education raise the mind above narrow church limits, and place it beyond the reach of denominational prejudices. and antipathies. Henry C. Carey did not belong exclusively to the creed in which his parents had reared their children; but he to was aan active member ofthe religion of humanity. For, he saw a brother in every being gifted by the universal Creator with reason and speech, and he made it hisa life-study to improve the condition of the least appreciated, but most essential portion of the social body--the day laborer. What the richly stored mind of that Philadelphian gave the literary world; the practical axioms his intellect conceived to advance the cause of [civilization], will doubtless form a subject which adepts in the science of po-litical economy are best able fittingly to handle. To discuss itthe theme here is neither within the scope of this sacred gathering, nor within the range of the capacity of him that now speaks.


{2} I confess that I ventured a faint allusion to the character and writings of a great man who was not of Israel, because his demise last week in his 86th year, suggested the appropriateness of some brief reference to the illustrious man who is of Israel, and who will next week celebrate his 95th birth-day. You know whom I mean. Him whom that kings have delighted to honor [. . . ] -- Sir Moses Montefiore.

How refreshing, my brethren, to see recorded that, amidst a wide-spread skepticism, an almost centenarian bends his steps to the house of God, and braves the fatigue of remaining there long in the a prayful attitude! of prayer[!] -- Contrast that demeanour with the conduct of some of our young generation who, having perhaps never crossed the threshhold of a Synagogue for a twelvemonth[s,], cannot summon the enough patience to Remain therein continue within its walls any length of time on the holiest day of our year. But the report of that act demonstration of piety, Marvellous as it may seem in our age, was did not the thought which trait str[uck] ike me as most worthy of as athe trait deserving the highest commendation. It did not awaken the feelings that seized my heart on learning that to-morrow, the 9th of Heshvan, the champion


{3} of our race will be ninety five years old. I rather recalled the fact The fact which flashed then before my memory was that only the earnest entreaties and solicita[]ations of representative Israelites in Great Britain could alone prevail on the nonagenarian hoary headed hero to alter his recent resolution. He had determined to undertake once there an exhausting journey to Palestine, that his presence might further the cause of industry among a residue of the captivity, who dwell in the patriarchal land.

You know are aware that the Baronet, urged to consent that a monument commemorative of his philanthropy be raised, requested that the reward of his labors for Israel and mankind be the accumulation of a fund, wherewith to permanently benefit the state of the Hebrews in the country which the Divinity vouchsaved to hallowed. That is the crowning deed of fifty years' steady work, upheld by ardent zeal; that is the ultimate demonstration manifestation of a devout soul, and not the final revelation of " a noble but impracticable scheme, " as falsely stated. I cannot forbear saying to you that among the errors which the secular press often commits, when it attempts to speak of matters relating to Judaism none is was more glaring than that which a popular paper in our city perpetrated a month ago.



It asserted that in with the unfortunate death of Leonard Montefiore at Newport, died also the cherished hope of Sir Moses, which his grand-nephew as the[s] presumptive heir of his estate would have fostered. What was that hope?, you ask, and the Public Ledger answers, " to gather the Jewish people from all parts of the world, and have them once more in possession of Palestine ". The idea is simply ludicrous, and I, feeling certain that it was not entertained by our illustrious coreligionist, immediately communicated the fact to the managing editor, and seized the opportunity to interpret correctly the sentiment which led had ever actuated the elder Montefiore and led him to visit Jerusalem seven times, seeking its regeneration. My letter was ruled out, I fancy, as an obtrusion of unwelcome opinions exposing ignorance, nevertheless it is I privately wrote again that it is not untrue that our Moses, under the garb of a philanthropist designed playing the role of a Messiah. No: he prays and works for the fulfilment of the prophetic declarations that the spot which our poet par excellence, Judah Hallevi calls, the throbbing heart of the world, [a]nd the spot from whence the Knowledge of the One God radiated as from a luminous centre, shall may rise from its state of abjection and be set up high again famously and gloriously by the restoration of a perfected nationality [Hebrew]



But waiting for the fulness of time in which the promise will be realized, he claims no special authority nor a different mission from that which the humblest Israelite was assigned. The device on his coat of arms is "Jerusalem, Think and thank". And he has exemplified the motto marvellously.He has thought of his oppressed people, and thanked the Lord for the good accomplished. The years still left to the righteous man., here below -- and may they be prolonged in peace -- before angels shall usher his spirit into the realms of bliss, will probably be devoted to strengthen the hands of the all-embracing association -- the universal Alliance -- . So, at least, I sincerely trust, for the knowledge that the Baronet sympathises with the efforts of that organization, must needs inspire the workers with fresher courage. We must let all our forces coalesce.

Treacherous Roumania would rejoice in nothing more than in a division of sentiments, and the consequent disruption of the Jewish bodies, which are a defence to the proscribed. I remember that shortly after the Berlin-Congress, which had insisted upon a full emancipation of the Jews, the press in Bucharest complained that foreigners muddled with the politics of Prince Charle's' government, that they influenced Lord Beaconsfield; that through the meddle- manoevering someness of interlopers whose chief seat was in Paris, the Hebrews of the Principalities had become malcontents.



And now, after a full year of diplomatic shufflings, the Atlantic cable brings the news tidings that the Jews do not get all they want, but that a dispatch -- I supose from Roumania -- recommends that they be their resting Satisfied with little, in the expectation of getting more by and bye. In Explained in plain English it means this: A few among the rich will receive an some subordinate secondary office or the permission to own real estate, as sop to Cerberus, and the balance of the two hundred and fifty or three hundred thousand will continue to receive thrusts and curses. We may pray must hope that the wily Cogalniceano shall not will not succeed in circumventing shrewd d'Israeli, but the report of a late meeting in the Chamber of Deputies foreshadows that result. A strong effort was made to ignore altogether the Berlin treaty, and let the claims of Israelites go by unnoticed, but as that course threatened dangers, a compromise was agreed upon, likely believing thus to satisfy the international powers decision of Europe. Twelve hundred of our coreligionists, divided into five classes, will be granted some franchises, and sweeter promises will be made to the ear, to be broken to the faith.



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