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But waiting for the fulness of time in which
the promise will be realized, he claims no special
authority nor a different mission from that which the humblest
Israelite was assigned. The device on his coat of arms is "Jerusalem, Think and thank". And he has exemplified the motto marvellously.He has thought of his oppressed people, and thanked the Lord for the good accomplished. The years still left to the right-
eous man., here below -- and may they be prolonged in peace -- before
angels shall usher his spirit into the realms of bliss,
will probably be devoted to strengthen the hands of
the all-embracing association -- the universal Alliance -- .
So, at least, I sincerely trust, for the knowledge that the Baronet
sympathises with the efforts of that organization, must
needs inspire the workers with fresher courage.
We must let all our forces coalesce.

Treacherous Roumania would rejoice in nothing more
than in a division of sentiments, and the consequent
disruption of the Jewish bodies, which are a defence
to the proscribed. I remember that shortly after
the Berlin-Congress, which had insisted upon a full
emancipation of the Jews, the press in Bucharest
complained that foreigners muddled with the po-
litics of Prince Charle's' government, that they in-
fluenced Lord Beaconsfield; that through the meddle- manoevering
someness of interlopers whose chief seat was in Paris,
the Hebrews of the Principalities had become malcontents.

Notes and Questions

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I have marked page number "5" as "marginalia".


Rabbi Morais's reference to "the all-embracing association -- the universal Alliance --" seems to me to be probably a reference to the organization founded by French Jews/Jewish Frenchmen in 1860 to aid other Jews in other parts of the world whose name in French was and is the "Alliance Israélite Universelle". [The organization's headquarters were and are in Paris, France.]