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It asserted that in with the unfortunate death of
Leonard Montefiore at Newport, died also the cherished
hope of Sir Moses, which his grand-nephew as the[s] presumptive heir of his estate would
have fostered. What was that hope?, you ask, and
the Public Ledger answers, " to gather the Jewish
people from all parts of the world, and have them
once more in possession of Palestine ". The idea
is simply ludicrous, and I, feeling certain that it was
not entertained by our illustrious coreligionist, im-
mediately communicated the fact to the managing
editor, and seized the opportunity to interpret correctly
the sentiment which led had ever actuated the elder Montefiore and led him to visit
Jerusalem seven times, seeking its regeneration. My
letter was ruled out, I fancy, as an obtrusion of unwelcome opinions exposing ignorance, never-
theless it is I privately wrote again that it is not untrue that our Moses, under the garb of a
philanthropist designed playing the role of a Messiah.
No: he prays and works for the fulfilment of the prophetic
declarations that the spot which our poet par excellence, Judah Hallevi calls, the throbbing heart of the world, [a]nd the spot from whence the Know-
ledge of the One God radiated as from a luminous centre,
shall may rise from its state of abjection and be set up high
again famously and gloriously by the restoration of a per-
fected nationality [Hebrew]

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I have marked (page number) "4" on this page as "marginalia" in its transcription.