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In memoriam a sermon Delivered at the Synagogue 7th st below Arch by the Revd S Morais as a eulogy on the late Revd Isaac Leeser

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What the pillar of cloud was to our fathers by day, and the pillar of fire by night, are the wise and the learned to us, O fellow Israelites! We walk at the light which their bright intellects emit. Our progenitors winding their steps through trackless deserts, cast a look around, and lo! a guide from heaven led them forth. We, the travellers of a road, rough and rugged, see a beacon illuming our horizon. At its radiance, we can always discover a safe issue. Oh! how lurid would be the mist created by its absence! But, Israel will never be unshrouded in darkness. I read it in the chronicles of truth. [In Hebrew]. He will not take away the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of cloud fire by night from before the people. the future, will, like the past, be directed by God's own agency. To the end of time, the house of Jacob will produce men, whose spiritual teaching shall mould the mind of multitudes. Let us never fear that infidelity will dethrone pity. That the rule of wickedness will supplant that of godliness. A Gideon arose, and the idols were cast down. Samuel became the Judge, when the children of a high priest contaminated the alter. The same day which he saw beheld the Literally, the Hebrew verb stand in the future tense.

Last edit 5 months ago by LIFrancophone
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instruments of Roman torture tear the life of the great Akibah, saw the birth of Rabbi Judah, the prince of knowledge. Yet, though the history of all ages affords the consolatory assurance, that the Lord will not leave the flock of his pasture a prey to the devouring wolf, a feeling of dismay seizes us when faithful shepherd vanish from our presence. So as, whose vision is narrow, it appears as if none could be found to fill up the void, for those whose spirit was wasted to the abode of eternity, we considered vigilant guardians; truly -worthy servants of their master. We seek for their equal, but meet the sluggard and the faithless. Shall we then be condemned, if the love we bear religious in the action, incites us now to lament? The pain we experienced at the loss which the literary world sustained by the death of a Jewish savant in Italy, was scarcely abated, when the melancholy tidings arrived from France, that another among the greatest had descended to the grave. Munk had not long survived Luzzatto. Those two giants of intellect, who had very nigh reached the highest point of human knowledge, were cut off, while yet vigorous. Those two mighty laborers in the field of science, how ceased to dispense the delicious fruits they had gathered.

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One was surprised by death, while diving into the depth of scriptural exegesis and philology - the other while engaged, ( Oh wondrous undertaking!) without sight, to collate ancient manuscripts and set in order a library most extensive and rare. Lo, quenched was the light of those eyes, which had discovered treasures hidden in obscurity. But how refulgent that mind, whose working enriched the world with volumes historically and philosophically profound! Munk, like Luzzatto, continued without rest to pour out new ideas, that others might slake their thirst at the fountain of his wisdom, but at the bidding of the Most high, the gushing stream dried, and we have not yet since viewed beheld another flow so copiously. But the prediction of Ezekiel seems almost to have been almost literally verified in us, for "a sad report follows the another" hastily, to tell us "that the law has ceeased to be imparted by the a priest." [In Hebrew] Yes, that descendant and true disciple of Aaron, who ministered to one Congregation in Northen Europe, but taught every son of Israel who loves the language, the literature and the religion of his people, has also recently departed from earth. He has joined the two illustrious

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Last edit 5 months ago by LIFrancophone
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