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Status: Complete

[Howard University seal]
School of Music
Howard University
Concert Series

Howard University
Washington D.C.

Founded by General O.O. Howard

January 19 1939.

Mr. [Mister] S. Hurok
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York City N.Y. [New York]

Dear Mr. [Mister] Hurok

At the suggestion of Mr. [Mister] Glenn Dillard Gunn I am writing to you
of our difficulty in securing an auditorium for Miss Marian Anderson who
is to sing for us on April 9. I think he told you of the ban on Negro
artists appearing in Constitution Hall which is owned by the Daughters of
the American Revolution.

Last week we went to see the manager of Constitution Hall and was
informed by him that a clause restricting Negro artists is inserted in all
contracts. We then went to the National Theatre. The manager there told
us that he could not give us a date so far in advance for he could not tell
whether or not the New York booking agency would send a show here that week
and if htey did send a show whether or not they would need Sunday night to
hang the scenery and have a rehearsal. We wrote the Belasco theatre and the
same situation holds there. The Armstrong High School auditorium is out of
the question for two reasons (1) we could hardly get it on Sunday night and
(2) with the fee you quoted us due to its size it would not do. Last year
we had the Rialto theatre it has failed and is now closed and in the hands of
the receivers.

I would appreciate if you would contact the United Booking agency
it books the shows at the National and see what the managers have in mind
for that theatre for the week of April 9. If you have any other suggestions
to offer please send them to me.

I am enclosing a letter that was sent to all the newspapers here and
the responses so far. To date only two papers have published the letter.

Thanking you for your cooperation I am

Very truly yours

Charles C. Cohen
Charles C. Cohen Chairman
Howard University Concert Series

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